During the week I am going to start a blog  series called 100 Day Goal. In order to really focus on this I had to tie up some loose ends. 

This meant tidying my craft space, and catching up on a couple of swaps. The only two swaps I committed to this year were Popular Patchwork Birthday Club and Bubble Bee Swap Take 2. 

The Birthday club means that we send a birthday card and 4 charm squares (colour choice made by the recipient) to each person involved, on their birthday. It is one of my favourite swaps to be part of. Sign ups are usually in November so if you fancy being a part of it next year then head to the Popular Patchwork forum. 

Bubble Bee Take 2 involves creating a bubble block (based on Aylin Ozturk’s Bubble block quilt design). Each participant has a idea on how they want their scrappy bubble quilt to turn out whether it is block size, bubble position, colour etc , then each month someone makes them a block based on their preferences. 

These are the ones I have had the pleasure of making so far. 

And here are a few I have received! 

Once the swap is over I think I am going to have to make myself a load more of these blocks just because I love the design and the possibility. 

Head over to Instagram with the tag #bubblebee2 to see the number of colour ways etc that people are creating. 

And if you want to hear more about my #100daygoal then come back mid week when I reveal what it is all about! 

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